Meet the Officers

Officers of the Department


Full Time Officers


Town Marshal J. Duane Booth


Deputy Marshal John Hankins




Reserve Deputy Richard J. Schmit Memorial

Reserve Sergeant Richard J. "Smitty" Schmitt MEMORIAL

Reserve Sergeant Schmit began and ended his Law Enforcement career in Geneva. Schmit aided in the training of many Reserve Officers over his lengthy span as Reserve Sergeant, often serving as an ear to any Officer facing a problem, department related or not. In February of 2014, Reserve Sergeant Schmit was awarded the Volunteer Award for his many years of service to the Town of Geneva. As a testament to his dedication, fellow officers had to lie to Schmit to ensure his attendance, as he did not believe his work deserved an award. His acts of volunteering were not done for an award or awknowledgement; they were merely for the town he was so fond of and dedicated his life to.

On October 2, 2014, Reserve Sergeant Schmit passed away. He was allowed burial in his uniform, an honor normally saved only for full-time officers. Law Enforcement Officers from all surrounding areas attended his funeral, and their stories of his antics with departments and officers dated back to the beginning of his career in 1998.

Known on the Geneva Police Department as G5, Reserve Sergeant Schmit's badge number has been retired, and his dedication to the town and department will always be remebered. Smitty himself will never be forgotten throught the Town of Geneva and the Law Enforcement Community.


Reserve Officers

Michael Padgett


Aaron Wittwer